Madonna has said Lady Gaga's connection to her gay fan base seems “genuine.”
The 53-year-old Madonna made her comments in a cover story with gay glossy The Advocate.
When asked for her reaction to being described by Time magazine as the “the Lady Gaga of the '80s,” Madonna answered: “I have no thoughts. What's the question?”
“What do you think of how Gaga connects with her fans, and is it parallel to the relationship you had with gay fans early on?” The Advocate asked.
“It seems genuine,” Madonna answered.
“It seems natural, and I can see why she has a young gay following. I can see that they connect to her kind of not fitting into the conventional norm. I mean, she's not Britney Spears. She's not built like a brick shithouse. She seems to have had a challenging upbringing, and so I can see where she would also have that kind of connect, a symbiotic relationship with gay men,” she said.